Simplify your life by trading your stuff for cash

SAKURA launch its web and android app which allows you to easily buy and sell products among individuals.
How SAKURA works ?
Let’s try 3 steps buy and sell at Sakura.
Register with this QR code and get 30 pesos free load

For the Seller:
1. Take Photos of your item for sale.
2. Upload the photos in Sakura and add necessary information (i.e. price, description, condition etc.)
3. Wait for buyers to view and order your item.

For the Buyer:
- Search items on Sakura
- Place an order and select a payment method (Credit Card, Sakura Wallet, Cash on Delivery)
- Wait for sellers to ship your item and to be delivered to you.
- You can choose from these different Categories from Mobile, Consumer Electronics, Cars and Automotives, Bikes, Home and Furniture, Pets and Animals, Book, Sports and Hobbies, Clothing and Accessories, Health and Beauty, Tools and Equipment, Real Estate and Services.

With Sakura, you can shop without worries.
We evaluate every seller to avoid scams or any fraudulent activities within our website. You can submit reviews and rate the sellers.
Visit its website at
Download it on google play.
Search “Sakura Free Market” or at this link
Soon in ios app.
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